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Home > Articles > Fastball > Napanee hosting provincial squirt championship this weekend

Napanee hosting provincial squirt championship this weekend
 Posted: August 9th, 2013 @ 1:10pm
 Play begins Saturday morning in Napanee at the Ontario Amateur Softball Association squirt A and B championships.
The host Napanee Express will play Springbrook in one of four opening games at 9 a.m. at the Napanee Fairgrounds. Games will also take place at the North Fredericksburgh diamonds.
The winner of the Napanee-Springbrook game will play Innerkip at 1:30. The loser will play the loser of the Hepworth-Tavistock opener at 11:30.
Eleven teams of boys 11 and 12 years of age are seeking the provincial A championship in the double-elimination tournament. The first four two-game losers will drop down and play for the B title.
Both finals will be played at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Fairgrounds, with a second game to follow to determine the A division winner if the loser of the A game has suffered just its first loss. Related Articles:
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