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Memorial event approaches $330,000
 Posted: January 17th, 2014 @ 11:08am
Kelly Davison got involved in the Memorial by chance. Eighteen years later, her passion for the cause and the wish to stay a part of an event unrivaled for school spirit in the city's two Roman Catholic high schools keeps her there.
She was again at the tiller again Thursday night at Regiopolis Notre Dame, when the 25th anniversary edition of the basketball-based fundraising event put close to $10,000 into the fight against cancer.
Paul Halligan, a coach at Regi, began the event in 1989 in memory of a friend, Peter Carty, who died of cancer at the age of 23. Seven years after Carty's death, Halligan died of the same cancer.
"Paul was my coach," Davison recalled, "and for my 40 volunteer hours I got involved with this.
"I've been here ever since."
For six years an educational assistant and now a supply teacher at Holy Cross, Davison said it's something to which she still eagerly looks forward.
"It's exciting," she said. "We're seeing second generation people now. One of my other coaches (at Regi), Joanie Besselink, her son now plays (for Holy Cross), and she was a coach with Paul, and so the story gets passed on.
"The kids still know who Peter and Paul are."
A students and parents from both schools packed the Congregation of Notre Dame gym, admission, the sale of refreshments and the proceeds of a silent auction generated almost $7,000. That was on top of more than $3,000 the students that day raised themselves, paying $2 apiece for the privilege of being excused from wearing their school uniforms for the day.
The proceeds of Thursday's event brought the 25-year total raised for cancer research to almost $330,000. Related Articles:
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